Filtering a list to only mobile numbers
Importing the List
Click upload and browse to find the file.
Default options are used for import.
Filtering for Mobile Numbers
Select the two columns containing phone numbers.
Create a filter by holding shift and clicking to select both columns.
Click create filter and unselect blanks and landlines to filter only mobile numbers.
Copying and Pasting Mobile Numbers
Copy the filtered mobile numbers.
Paste them into a new file or sheet for mobile numbers only.
Repeat the process for additional phone number columns if needed.
Bringing Phone Two Numbers to Phone One Column
Reset the original list to stock.
Filter the phone two column for mobile numbers.
Copy and paste phone two numbers into the phone one column.
Finalizing the List
Delete any unnecessary rows.
Repeat the process for additional phone number columns if needed.
Continue the same process for phone threes and beyond if required.
Filtering Mobile Phones in Excel
Filtering Mobile Numbers in Google Sheets