Contact support your first time adding contacts to workflows or follow the guides below.
Add Existing Sellers to a workflow
Select the Smart List that you would like to add to the workflow
Just below the smartest on the left side of the contact window there is a box to select all contacts on that page for the smart list. Click on that box.Then just to the right of that box if there are any remaining contacts there will be a buttons that says “select all xxxxxx records” Clicking on that will include the rest of the contacts on the list.
Just above that there is a row of icons, click the third from the right it’s the one that looks like a robot. If you hover over it or any of those icons it will tell you what they are. Click on that Robot icon.
Click Ok, proceed. From the drop down select the workflow you would like to put this list of contacts into. If this is the first time putting these contacts into the workflow look for any of the initial workflows, they are named as Initial SMS, Ben SMS, Jen SMS, or Sarah SMS.
Within the notes section it’s helpful to put a useful description such as the list name, the workflow and date.
Select Add To Campaign/Workflow → Select OK and you are done.