In this video, I guide you through adjusting DRIPs and initial workflows. We discuss starting points, adjusting numbers, and the importance of managing contacts within workflows. Remember to consider the timing and frequency of messages to optimize your workflow efficiency. No specific action requested, but understanding these concepts is crucial for effective workflow management.
The objective of this video is to teach users how to adjust the DRIP settings in the initial SMS and other workflows effectively.
Adjusting DRIPs and Initial Workflows in Loom Transcript
Understanding Initial SMS Workflow
Procedure for adjusting DRIPs is the same for all the initial workflows.
Initial SMS DRIPs are set at a starting point but can be adjusted based on needs.
Adjusting DRIPs in Initial SMS
Changing the number of contacts sent per day in the initial SMS workflow.
Adjusting the frequency of messages sent per minute in the initial SMS workflow.
Considerations for Minute DRIP
Deciding on the frequency of messages sent per day and the time window for sending them.
Adjusting minute DRIP to control the flow of messages throughout the day.
Increasing Daily SMS
Changing DRIP settings to increase the number of contacts sent per day.
Understanding that changes in DRIP settings will only affect new contacts, not existing ones.
Moving Contacts Between Events
Moving contacts from one event to another to adjust the flow of messages.
Understanding the process of moving contacts and the time it takes for contacts to transfer.
Further Adjustments in Workflows
Exploring additional DRIPs and wait times after the initial message in the workflow.
Considering the spacing of messages and the gradual sending of messages in the workflow.
Scaling Up SMS Sending
Gradually increasing the number of messages sent per day as you become comfortable with the platform.
Planning for increased daily SMS based on the number of users and the capacity for sending messages.
Adjusting Sarah SMS Workflow
Similar process for adjusting DRIPs in Sarah's workflow as in Ben's and initial SMS.
Identifying areas in the initial workflows where DRIP adjustments can be made.
Final Considerations
Starting with preset DRIP settings and making adjustments based on needs.
Maintaining a balance between message frequency and gradual scaling of SMS sending.